You can package your cards in any way you like provided they are secure and will not shift around in transportation. A sheet of paper folded and taped around the stack is an easy way to secure your cards. If your package includes multiple stacks, please label them (ex. 1/3, 2/3, 3/3) to keep them in order.

We are not responsible for any shipping costs, nor any damage to your parcel that may occur in shipping.

Please follow these steps when shipping your cards to us:

  1. Make sure your cards are sorted in the EXACT order that they appear in your Buylist cart/confirmation email (the first card on the Buylist should be the first face-up card in the stack)
  2. Remove cards from any sleeves, binders, or other packaging
  3. Include your name and Buylist ID number on the outside of your package
  4. Buylists must be addressed to:

401 Games

Attn: Buylists (Your Buylist ID#)

431 Yonge Street

Toronto, ON M5B 1T3

  1. We encourage you to obtain a tracking number and insurance for your shipment. 401 Games is not responsible for any cards lost or damaged in transit.

Buylists must be postmarked within 7 days from the date submitted. If your Buylist is postmarked on a later date, or if it arrives more than 20 days after approval, we may re-evaluate your Buylist based on updated prices.

Cards should not be shipped in binders, 9 pocket pages, top-loaders, or deck sleeves. We reserve the right to refuse any Buylist submissions that do not adhere to this rule, or charge a fee for extra processing.

Supplies sent as packaging for mail-in Buylists, such as deck boxes, will not be returned.

If you have more than one submitted Buylist you may include them all in one package, but all order numbers must be present on the outside of the package. You cannot include returns, payments, etc. in the same package as your Buylist.